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Join us. Become part of the family which is Oklahoma Chiropractic. If you are a chiropractor in Oklahoma, you are a part of the "body" that the OCA works to protect and serve.
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Some chiropractors are very conscious of this body they belong to, and do their part to nurture it to its full potential. These are OCA's active, dues-paying members. They are the backbone of the association. They take an interest in the OCA's efforts and work hard to ensure its ongoing success.
Membership is an individual choice, and each individual choice impacts the entire body of the OCA. Joining with the OCA brings you into the family and has its advantages. With so many external forces threatening our existence, can we afford to be compromised from within?
United, we can be healthy, strong and reach our highest potential! There are individuals and organizations that strive to divide our profession against itself and destroy what it means to be a chiropractor. We need to stand together with one voice and show this state, and the world, that we are united.
OCA members, staff, friends and supporters are working together to shape the chiropractic profession and create a positive, dynamic environment for chiropractic to flourish in our communities. We couldn’t do it without you!
Join Now!
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