Fall 2012 Lecture
The Natural Superiority of Chiropractic
Dr. Tedd Koren, D.C.
Join OCA in welcoming internationally acclaimed chiropractic physician and speaker, Dr. Tedd Koren, as he lectures on "The Natural Superiority of Chiropractic." We'll study:
- The Connections of Health
- Mental Health/Emotional Wellness and Chiropractic
- Chiropractic Technique and the Holographic Patient
- Chiropractic and the Movies
- How Can We Optimize Our Immune System Function
- Current Medical Discoveries: Today's Healthcare Crisis
- The Vaccination Controversy
Seminar Details:
Who: Dr. Tedd Koren, D.C.
What: "The Natural Superiority of Chiropractic"
Where: The Waterford Marriott
6300 Waterford Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
When: October 6-7, 2012
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fees: Pre-Registration: $250
Day of Registration: $300
*OCA Members are eligible for seminar discounts based on membership level
The Seminar is Approved for the Following States:
- Oklahoma (16 hours)
- Texas (16 hours - Course ID # 07-4533)
- Missouri (16 hours)
- Kansas (16 hours)
- Arkansas (Pending)
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